
Executive Board of Directors

Travis Byrne

Vice President



Monica Garcia

Player Agent

Division Commissioners

Jason Cartaya
Filly Division (Age: 4)

Jason Cartaya
Shetland Division (Age: 5-6)

Derek Eddow
Pinto-Machine Division (Age: 7-8)

Travis Byrne
Mustang Division (Age: 9-10)

Jeff Meindardus
Bronco Division (Age: 11-12)

John Salazar
Pony Division (Age: 13-14)

Monica Garcia
Colt Division (Age: 15-19)

Champions Division (Age: 4-23)

Monica Garcia
Middle School Commissioner

Champions League

Champions League Director

Champions Team Parent Coordinator

Standing Committees

Jake Memro
Director of Commissioners

Jun Janabajal
Uniform Director

Tony Tyszka
Director of Umpires

Andi Gilles
Team Parent Coordinator

Derek Eddow
Director of Scheduling

Jeff Meindardus
Equipment Director(s)

Heather Cross

Victoria Eddow
Publicity Director

Community Service Coordinator

Crystal Pritchett
Concessions Director

Victoria Eddow
Social Media

Jason & Bridgett Cartaya
Storm Ticket Coordinator

Tony Tyszka
Allstar Coordinator

Heather Cross
Snackbar Coordinator and Scheduler

Players Clinic

Monica Garcia
City of Temecula Point of Contact

Derek Eddow
Game Scheduler

Derek Eddow
Practice Scheduler

Jeff Meindardus
SIBA Coordinator

Fundraising Director

Monica Garcia
Incident Reports Officer

Sluggers for a Cure

Jun Janabajal
Chalk Director

Monica Garcia
Email Support

Matt Krueger
Member At Large

Kelly Nunez
Member At Large

Tony Tyszka
Member At Large

Job Descriptions

Shall preside at all meetings of the League Membership and at all meetings of the Board of Directors, shall serve as the Chief Executive Officer of the League, shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees, and shall perform such other duties as are normally associated with the office of President. Direct interface to the City and School Board officials and PONY National representatives.

Vice President
Shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President, shall otherwise assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties, and shall preside at meetings in the absence of t he President. This position is responsible for all items representative of the game of Baseball (Fields, Umpires, Manager/Coaches etc). The Vice President acts as the chief disciplinarian in the grievance process and oversees all grievance procedures.

Shall have custody of the Constitution, and By-Laws, and all other records of the League, shall keep an accurate record of the meetings and other activities of the League and of the Board of Directors, shall be responsible for all correspondence on behalf of the League, and shall transmit all records and correspondence to any person elected to succeed hi m or her in that office.

Shall receive and disburse all funds with the approval of the Board of Directors, shall keep an accurate account of all funds received and disbursed for the League, shall submit a financial report at all regular meetings and at such other times as may be requested by the President, shall compile an annual report of League finances, shall provide the books of the League and such other documentation as requested for the annual audit, and shall transmit all financial records to any person elected to succeed him or her in that office.

Player Agent
Shall be responsible for ensuring the safe ty and welfare of all player members. He shall supervise the annual registration of player candidates, tryout sessions, coordination and conduct of manager and coach training & selection, and distribution of players among League teams, and shall maintain any listing of eligible players not assigned to teams who may be available as replacement players.

Director of Commissioners
Plans, organizes, and supervises the operation of division play, from the application stage through regular & post-season play. Responsible for coordinating the evaluation, selection, and approval of Managers and Coaches for each team, and ensures that they comp ly with division policy and procedures. Assists Division Commissioners in player evaluation days and drafts, coordinates the post season All Star manager and player selection process, and enforces league rules. Acts as the division representative to the Board of Directors.

Divisional Commissioners
Responsible for day-to-day management of a Baseball Age Division. Liaison to the Director of Commissioners on day-to- day divisional operations. Responsible for all equipment disbursement and collection from di visional Managers as well as ensuring that all divisional managers adhere to practice and game schedules as well as facility use requirements. Assists in entering game and practice schedules and works as a liaison between the Board of Directors and the designated managers. Participates in the manager selection process.

Director of Umpires
Recruits, trains, schedules, and oversees umpire activity for all league games. Represents the voice of final authority on protested plays and league rules interpretation.

Director of Scheduling
Attends the city of Temecula fields allocation meetings as a TYB Representative. Plans and coordinates the scheduling of all TYB practices and games. Works with the Division Commissioners to insure that the proper practice and game schedules are posted for all managers.

Team Parent Coordinator
Supervises and trains all team parents on league functions. Coordinates the team parent meeting(s) for the Spring season. Acts as the TYB liaison for Opening Day pictures and the Storm night fundraiser. Acts as liaison between the TYB Board and all designated team parents. Orders all awards for the end of the Spring Season.

Head Scorekeeper and Rules/By-Laws Coordinator
Recruits, trains, and schedules official scorekeepers for the purpose of monitoring the official score of all TYB games. Monitors official scorebooks to insure that players are being given mandated minimum play times as per league requirement. Insures the distribution of all official scorebooks to designated teams. Oversees a sub-committee to review all TYB By-Laws and local rules for modification, additions, and deletions. Reports recommendations to the TYB Board.

Sponsorship Chairman
Solicits Sponsors for all league requirements, including teams, the league directory, league facility location signs, and special events. Acts as liaison between the league and the corporate sponsors. Keeps Sponsors informed of league activity, and works closely with the Publicity Director to keep Sponsors names continually in the public eye. Tracks all team sponsors for Temecula Youth Baseball. Works to insure that Sandwich Boards are built and distributed at all Snackbars utilized by TYB.

Fundraising Chairman
Works to obtain community and business support for TYB events including Opening Ceremonies, Closing Ceremonies, and special fundraising events.

Special Events Coordinator
Supervises and coordinates Opening/Closing ceremonies. Acts as a liaison between the TYB Board and the designated vendors for these events.

Director of Clinics
Responsible for league-wide Manager, Coach, and Player integrated training; schedules seminars, clinics, and schools as appropriate; provides consistent coaching guidelines for Managers to follow at each level of play.

Equipment Director
Purchases, inventories, maintains, and disposes of all league baseball equipment. Issues equipment to teams at the outset of the season, maintains accountability for such, and receives it back again at the close of the season. Regularly inspects equipment and makes decisions on the replacement of worn, damaged, lost equipment.

Concessions Director (Shared Position)
Supervises the concessions stands operated by Temecula Youth Baseball. This includes stocking all concession stands, setting designated prices, and insuring that the snack bar schedule is posted for all teams.

Publicity Director
Ensures that all league events are publicized in various media, and in general acts as the Public Relations focus for the league.

Designs, implements and maintains all electronic league databases, web sites, online registration and forms management.

Field Bins Coordinator
Insures that all designated field bins for Temecula Youth Baseball are properly stocked with the necessary equipment, chalk, and supplies. Verifies that the bins are kept clean and acceptable for use by all TYB members.

Uniforms Coordinator
Works with the designated vendor to make sure that uniforms are ordered, tracked, and delivered to TYB. Assists the Division Commissioners in the distribution of all TYB Uniforms.

TYB Spirit Wear Coordinator
Works with the designated vendor to make sure that TYB Spirit Wear is ordered, tracked, and delivered to TYB. Works to provide for the sale and distribution of TYB Spirit Wear in support of the TYB Program.

Assessments Director
Works with TYB staff to coordinate and organize TYB Player Assessments for all Divisions for Fall/Spring Season. Additionally, coordinates assessments for Middle School Baseball Program and Spring Season All Stars.

TYB Auditor
Conducts an annual audit of the TYB financial records and equipment to insure proper tracking and accountability.


Become a Temecula Youth Baseball (TYB) Board Member

What does the TYB Board do?

The TYB board is the decision making arm of our youth baseball program for Temecula and the surrounding communities.  It is through the board that programs are designed, planned for and operated. The board determines the costs necessary to run each of these programs and sets applicable fees to cover the costs. Without a board there would be no Temecula Youth Baseball.

What does a Board Member do?

The TYB board meets on a regular basis to review issues and concerns surrounding our programs. Participation by board members during these meetings helps us discuss and find the best solutions for our organization. Besides meetings, each board member will be assigned a task or area of concentration. You can find this season’s assignments on the Board Member page. These assignments are held by board members for the year (July 1-June 30). After the election of new members, new assignments will be given to all Board of Directors, if they desire a change.  You can see a list of current board positions above. We have several positions available.

How long is the term?

Each board member is elected to a 1 year term. Of course we encourage members to return for another term either in their current position or to in a new role.  There is plenty of work to be done.  It’s nice when the work can be delegated to many volunteers.

Who should volunteer to serve?

We are always looking for members who have an interest in youth baseball, possess organizational skills that can be leveraged in the operation of the program and have a passion for continued improvement of a youth program that strives to continue to be the top youth baseball program in the valley.

How do I apply to become a board member?

All you need to do is complete the board application using the form on this page. Your application will be reviewed and you will be contacted by a current executive board member.

New Friends?

Our board is made up of people from the local area that have a desire to become an active member of TYB.  With that being said, you will make many new friends that have that same desire.

Any other questions?

Feel free to contact us and we’ll try to answer your questions.  We look forward to hearing from you!